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PGN through the years
The goals of this professional fraternity are to advance a high standard of business ethics and culture in social and professional life, promote professional competency and achievement in the field of business, and protect the interests of our alma maters through the encouragement of high scholarship, participation in school activities, and the association of students for their mutual advancement.
1924 - The Phi Gamma Nu Sorority was established on the campus of Northwestern University.
1925 - The First Constitution of Phi Gamma Nu was adopted.
1926 - The official crest, colors, password, handclasp, and sign were adopted and embodied in the ritual.
The Constitution was revised and amended in such a way as to provide for the governing of a national organization.
1927 - Articles of Incorporation were secured for Phi Gamma Nu as a non-pecuniary organization in the state of Illinois.
First Honorary Member was installed by Alpha Chapter – Mrs. Everett Lord, wife of Dean Lord of the College of Business Administration of Boston University.
In October, Beta Chapter was installed at Boston University.
And so, the dream of a national organization was being realized!
1928 - Gamma Chapter installed at Denver University by Sylvia Pekar Arnold, the Extension Chairman of Phi Gamma Nu.
Delta Chapter was installed at the University of Iowa on May 30th.
The Chicago, Boston, Denver, and Iowa City Alumni Chapters were formed.
1929 - May 17th, Epsilon Chapter was added establishing Phi Gamma Nu at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At its time of install location, the Epsilon Chapter brought to the organization the largest active and alumni membership of any group so far installed.
June 21-24, the first Grand Chapter Congress was held in Chicago at which time our first Grand Officers were elected.
The Founders’ Day Celebration was started by the first Grand Council. The presentation of the Scholarship Key was initiated by the first Grand Council. The first Scholarship Keys were presented in 1931.
The first Grand Council established the Membership Certificates, Membership Cards, Charters, and banners for Phi Gamma Nu.
1930 - In October, the first issue of "The Magazine of Phi Gamma Nu" appeared with Frances Schrampfer as its editor. The magazine was published continuously since its inception.
1931 - The sixth chapter of Phi Gamma Nu, Zeta Chapter, was chartered at the University of Detroit.
The first Pledge Manual was adopted by the first Grand Council on June 18th.
The first Grand Council established the presenting of the President's Crest to the retiring chapter President at the time of the Founders' Day Celebration.
Less than a week after Zeta Chapter was installed, the seventh chapter of Phi Gamma Nu was chartered. Eta Chapter was installed on February 7, at the College of Commerce of DePaul University (Chicago).
In the spring of 1931, Theta Chapter was installed on the campus of the University of Wyoming.
June 18-21, the second Grand Chapter Congress was held at Troutdale-in the-Pines, Colorado and at this time a Life Membership Plan and Fund was established.
1933 - Due to the depression and the desire of all to save as much expense as possible, the 1933 Grand Chapter Congress was postponed until June 14-17, 1934.
1934 - Plans were made for the publication of a President's Manual.
1937 - On February 7, through the efforts of Mary Musgrave Higgins, Phi Gamma Nu became a member of the Women's Professional Pan-Hellenic Association.
1938 - At the Fifth Grand Chapter Congress, a recognition pin was adopted, and handbooks like the President's Manual were to be prepared and published for each chapter officer.
1941 - An Employment Committee was organized to help our alumni members in locating employment.
1942 - During 1942-1945 Phi Gamma Nu Chapters shifted from their regular activities to those contributing to the war effort. Many of our members entered the women’s services of our country.
1944 - The 1944 National Chapter Congress was postponed for one year because of World War II. Iota Chapter was installed at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
1946 - The Birthday Pennies Campaign was initiated on Founders' Day for the purpose of obtaining funds for Phi Gamma Nu's National Project.
In the fall of 1946, Mrs. W.B. Higgins, former Grand President, accepted the position of National Project Chairman. She had suggested Phi Gamma Nu donate typewriters for hospitalized veterans' use. The first typewriter that was purchased was donated to the Philadelphia Naval Hospital by the Philadelphia Alumnus.
A prospectus was printed and distributed to the chapters for use in following expansion leads and informing the universities and their students of the aims and purposes of Phi Gamma Nu. Life Membership cards were printed for the first time for distribution to our Life Members.
Kappa Chapter was installed at Limestone College in Gaffney, South Carolina.
1947 - The Publication Trust Fund was set up with sources of income for this fund to come from one-third of the Life Membership Fund and one third of all future Life Memberships purchased.
The Student Loan Fund was initiated, and its principal source of income was to ·come from two-thirds of the Life Membership Fund.
1949 - An award to be known as the Scholarship Cup was to be presented to one of Phi Gamma Nu's collegiate chapters for having the highest two-year scholastic average. Phi Gamma Nu celebrated its 25th Anniversary.
Two chapters were installed: Lambda Chapter - Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas; Mu Chapter - University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
1950 - Nu Chapter was installed at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Three other chapters were also installed during this year:
Xi Chapter - University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi; Omicron Chapter - Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan; Pi Chapter - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
1951 - The two chapters that were installed during 1951 are: Sigma Chapter - Memphis State University, Memphis, Tennessee; Rho Chapter - Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
1952 - The first Scholarship Cup was presented by the National Council to Iota Chapter located at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
1953 - Tau Chapter was installed at Western Texas State College, Canyon, Texas
1954 - Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, had the privilege of Phi Gamma Nu installing the Upsilon Chapter on their campus.
1955 - The 13th National Chapter Congress voted to add to the National Council the position of National Advisor. This position was to be filled by the Immediate Past National President.
Phi Chapter was installed at the University of Texas - El Paso, El Paso, Texas.
1957 - A Central Office was established for Phi Gamma Nu. This new Central Office was in Chicago, Illinois, and was under the supervision of the then National President, Dolores Paulikas Hagey.
1959 - The practice of issuing all new members membership plaques was discontinued at this time and membership certificates came into use.
The first Regional Conference was held in the then-Southwest Province. After this Regional Conference was held, it was recommended to the National Council that future conferences be held in all provinces.
1960 - A Building Fund was established by the National Council with the funds that were received upon the sale of the fraternity's mimeograph machine. The money from this fund was to be used for the purpose of purchasing National Headquarters’ office furniture or machinery when necessary and advisable.
1961 - In 1961, two new chapters were installed: Chi Chapter - Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, New Mexico; Psi Chapter - West Liberty State College, West Liberty, West Virginia.
1962 - A national pledge fee was imposed by the 1962-63 National Council.
Omega Chapter was installed at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York.
1963 - Alpha Chapter was installed at St. Mary-of-the-Woods College in St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. Also, Alpha Beta Chapter was installed at Dyke College in Cleveland, Ohio.
1964 - Our first foster child, Lee Jung Sun of Korea, was adopted as our new National Philanthropic Project.
Mrs. Lillian Budd, the author, was initiated as our first National Honorary Member.
The Central Office was moved from Chicago, Illinois to Grosse Pointe, Michigan due to the appointment of Virginia Dorian Schulte as National President, replacing Dolores Paulikas Hagey.
1966 - The 18th National Chapter Congress voted to change to a triennial convention from a biennial one.
Three new chapters that were installed during this year were: Alpha Gamma - Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska; Alpha Delta - Upsala College, East Orange, New Jersey; Alpha Epsilon - Temple University, Ambler, Pennsylvania.
1967 - Six new chapters were installed: Alpha Beta - Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan; Alpha· Theta - Easter Michigan, Ypsilanti, Michigan; Alpha Kappa - Southwest Missouri State College, Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Alpha Lambda – Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York; Alpha Nu - Ferris State College, Big Rapids, Michigan; Alpha Xi – the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada.
1968 - New chapters that were installed during this year were: Alpha Omicron - Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois; Alpha Pi - Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida; Alpha Rho - Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee; Alpha Sigma - Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Alpha Tau - Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois.
1969 - The Scholarship Scroll was presented to each collegiate chapter. The Scroll was to be used as a record of all those students who had won Scholarship Keys from the chapters.
Phi Gamma Nu's expansion continued with the installation of the following chapters: Alpha Upsilon - Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois; Alpha Phi - University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio; Alpha Chi - Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana; Alpha Psi - Ohio University, Athens, Ohio; Alpha Omega - Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas.
1970 - Both the Building Fund and Life Membership Fund were dissolved and all monies from these two funds were placed in the General Fund.
1971 - The position of Executive Director was created by the 20th National Chapter Congress. It was stated at that time that during the transition period from the 1971 National Chapter Congress to the 1974 National Chapter Congress the offices of the National President and Executive Director be combined until the two offices would be separated at the 1974 National Chapter Congress.
Beta Alpha Chapter was installed at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
1972 - In 1972 the following three chapters were installed:
Beta - Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, West Virginia; Beta Gamma - University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida; Beta Delta - Dillard University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1973 - Three chapters were added to the Chapter Roll of Phi Gamma Nu in 1973:Beta Epsilon - University of Houston, Houston, Texas; Beta Zeta - University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, Wisconsin; Beta Eta - University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan.
1974 - This year saw a big change in the membership makeup of professional fraternities including Phi Gamma Nu as the United States Government's Title IX came into effect. This government regulation stated that all professional fraternities could no longer operate a single-sex organization. The only way that professional fraternities could operate as single-sex would be if they received no support or housing from the university and did not operate in connection with the university's education program or activity. Thus, Phi Gamma Nu began accepting male students into its membership.
The following chapters were installed during 1974: Beta Theta - State University of New York, Albany, New York; Beta Iota - Troy State University, Troy, Alabama; Beta Kappa - Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana; Beta Lambda - University of Texas, Arlington, Texas; Beta Nu - Weber State College, Ogden, Utah; Beta Xi - American International College, Springfield, Maine; Beta Omicron - Lewis University, Lockport, Illinois; Beta Pi - University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, Urban, Illinois.
1975 - As Phi Gamma Nu's expansion continued, the following chapters were added to Phi Gamma Nu Fraternity: Beta Rho - LaSalle College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Beta Sigma - University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma; Beta Tau - Delaware State College, Dover, Delaware; Beta Upsilon - California State University, Sacramento, California; Beta Phi - Niagara University, Niagara, New York; Beta Chi - Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois.
1976 - New chapter installations for this year were as follows: Beta Psi - St. Frances College, Brooklyn, New York; Beta Omega - University of District of Columbia, Washington, D.C.; Gamma Beta - St. Mary's College, Winona, Minnesota; Gamma Gamma - Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois.
1977 - The following chapters were installed in 1977: Gamma Delta - Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina; Gamma Epsilon Chapter - Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee; Gamma Zeta Chapter - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, Wisconsin; Gamma Eta - Alabama State University, Montgomery, Alabama; Gamma Theta - Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan.
1978 - It was decided by the National Council that all of our fifty-year members should be given some type of recognition for their many years as members of Phi Gamma Nu. Thus the "Phi Gamma Nu 50-Year Member Certificate" was designed. This certificate was presented to all 50-year members each year.
Chapter expansion for 1978 saw the installation of four new chapters which include the following chapters: Gamma Iota - Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi; Gamma Kappa - Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania; Gamma Lambda - St. Mary's Dominican College, New Orleans, Louisiana; Gamma Nu - University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
1979 - Chapters that were installed are as follows: Gamma Xi - Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania; Gamma Omicron - Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia; Gamma Pi - Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona; Gamma Rho - Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri.
1980 - Expansion for 1980 included the following new chapters: Gamma Nu - George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia; Gamma Sigma - Newberry College, Newberry South Carolina; Gamma Tau - Mount St. Mary 13 College in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Gamma Upsilon - Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle, Illinois; Gamma Chi - Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas; Gamma Psi - Trinity College, Burlington, Vermont.
After the 23rd National Chapter Congress, Lorraine Scott was appointed Executive Director by the National Council to replace the retiring Virginia Schulte. The National Headquarters was moved from Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan to Seven Hills, Ohio.
1981 - Gamma Omega Chapter was installed at Chatham College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The name of Phi Gamma Nu Sorority was changed by the National Chapter to Phi Gamma Nu Fraternity to comply with Title IX.
The National Council completely revised and expanded the Efficiency Contest and renamed it the Performance Achievement Rating. The PAR emphasizes and rewards sound, professional chapter administration. While at the same time keeping in perspective necessary social activities.
All of Phi Gamma Nu's membership records which were previously handled by hand were computerized.
The National Council approved that a Phi Gamma Nu recognition pin be given at no extra charge to each new initiate at the time of their initiation.
The National Council approved a flat rate to be charged for Life Membership.
They also stipulated that 50% of all Life Membership fees paid from 1981 on be placed in an interest-bearing account to underwrite future expenses of Life Membership such as "The Magazine of Phi Gamma Nu" and the Alumni Newsletter.
A complete revision of the Chapter Officers' Manual was completed by Anne Visco, the then National President, and all individual officers' manuals were condensed into one manual.
1983 - Chapters that were installed are as follows: Delta Zeta Chapter - Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania; and Delta Epsilon Chapter - Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia.
1984 - A slide presentation was developed to support our chapters with their Rush activities and to assist with our national expansion program.
Phi Gamma Nu's Ritual was completely revised to accommodate our new membership which was made up of both female and male members.
The National Bylaws were completely revised, and all Articles were placed in the correct sequence.
The 24th National Chapter Congress approved holding a biennial Convention instead of a triennial Convention and that Regional Meetings should be held in the years between conventions. Iota Chapter was installed at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
First Phi Gamma Nu archives displayed at 24th National Chapter Congress.
The 24th National Chapter Congress also approved the change that the National Fraternity would only pay for the transportation expense of all collegiate delegates and that all other delegate's expenses are to be paid for by their respective chapters. Also approved was that all chartered alumni chapters will be responsible for the entire expenses of their respective delegates.
A new National Philanthropic Project was adopted by the 24th National Chapter Congress. This new project was to aid Jean Sable, an honorary member of the Gamma Zeta Chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, with her efforts to nationally educate people about drug and alcohol use.
It was decided by the 24th National Chapter Congress that all alumni chapters be chartered and to do away with the Associate Alumni Chapter status.
A grant was set up in the amount of $300.00 to financially help needy Phi Gamma Nu members in the completion of his/her education. The Student Loan was dispersed at the time the Grant was established.
It was decided by the National Council that a Life Membership Award be presented yearly to the collegiate chapter that has the most alumni members from its chapter purchase Life Membership during the academic year.
An Executive Director's Award was established to honor those chapters that have shown 100% improvement in their overall chapter administration. This award is presented by the Executive Director.
1985 - This was the first time that every Province of Phi Gamma Nu held a Regional Meeting during the same academic year.
Phi Gamma Nu's 60th Anniversary Celebration was held on February 18, 1984, at Northwestern University with two of its Founders present (Sylvia Pekar Arnold and Mary Chard Nalbach.) At the 60th Anniversary Celebration, National President, Carol Tarwater, presented to Dean Donald P. Jacobs of the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, a plaque commemorating the founding of Phi Gamma Nu sixty years ago at Northwestern University.
Phi Gamma Nu made available two new items to assist collegiate members with Rush and the national fraternity with expansion. These items were a "Marketing Packet" containing information on the facts, goals, benefits, and requirements of Phi Gamma Nu Fraternity; and posters that the chapters can use to publicize their events.
On August 23, 1984, the Phi Gamma Nu Educational Foundation was incorporated in the state of Ohio.
The Pledge Education Manual and Pledge Educator's Manual were completely rewritten for presentation at the 25th National Chapter Congress.
Delta Eta Chapter was installed at The College of Notre Dame in Baltimore, Maryland.
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