2023 ‘I Am PGN’ Award Winner: Isabella Conti

University of Michigan

Class of 2023

"In the four years that I have been in PGN, I have become part of an amazing community, made lasting memories, and experienced professional growth and mentorship. This organization has been one of the most impactful parts of both my college and career experiences, and I have immense gratitude for all that the PGN community has given me. It has been a privilege giving back and contributing to this organization as an upperclassman and I am so excited to see it continue to change and evolve!"

-Isabella Conti,2023

I AM PGN Award

Isabella Conti is the 2023 winner of the I Am PGN award. This award is given to the person who most exemplifies the spirit of PGN. They are driven to success and devoted to our members, mentoring new members and encouraging members to be involved. This member has also been instrumental in creating a stronger organization, making the future of PGN brighter.

About the Award

The PGN MVP Awards program is designed to recognize members who have gone above and beyond to further the success of their chapter, to showcase the best-in-class examples of leadership, and to celebrate the diversity of talent amongst our membership. PGN members Haylee Campbell, Sunny Bobnick, Anastasia Accarpio, and Madison Noel worked across schools to create this unique program.

Current role: Global Initiatives Administrative Assistant at University of Michigan-Stephen M. Ross School of Business

PGN role: Recruitment Chair

Isabella’s Linked In

About Isabella According to Her peers:

Isabella’s integrity and steadfast commitment to improving our organization through various roles, coupled with her natural ability to connect with brothers both older and younger than her, make her an easy choice for someone who embodies the spirit of PGN and brightens our chapter’s future.

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